Miov Nikolaki

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Miov Nikolaki

Education/Professional licences:

Institution [Date from - Date to]
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
Faculty of Economy, University of Ss Cyril and Methodius 1979-1984 Bachelor degree in economy
2001-2002 Education and exam for certified auditor organized by Ministry of Finance of RM and University of Ss Cyril and Methodius Certified auditor, Certificate issued by Ministry of finance


2001 Training for practical implementation of IAS
2005 Continuing training for auditing for certified auditors (USAID project)
2005 Continuing training for auditing for certified auditors (USAID project)
2009-present Continuing training for accounting and auditing for certified auditors (Institute of certified auditors of RM)

Key qualification

- Provides accounting and audit services;

- Consultant for tax legislation, control over financial operations for diverse companies in the private sector;

- Preparation of accounting policies and procedures for private companies and public enterprises;

- Extensive knowledge of EU IPA funds control and verification;

- Policies and procedures related to risk management and internal control in public and private sector;

- Conslultant for software for financial operations, control over software development.

Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.)

- Database management and programming

- Advanced Microsoft office Applications (Word, Excel, Access)

- Linux and Windows Server administration

Membership of professional bodies

- Member on Institute of Certified Auditors of R. Macedonia | 2006 - present

Present position: Partner at audit company certified for statutory audit

Professional experience

Description of responsibilities
2002-present Efekt plus Partner Responsible for audits and expression of audit opinions for the private and public sector. For individual projects, see specific experience.
1991-2002 Accounting firm Gea Founder, CEO Accounting in public practice, more than hundred clients, consulting services, taxes, implementation of computer aided financial systems, financial control. Accounting for EU financed projects
1990-1991 Industimpex export import CEO Responsibility for profit and loss. Financial control.
1988-1990 Industimpex export import CEO Ultimately responsible for finance management and accounting
1985-1988 Employment agency Skopje Analyst Employment analysis

Specific experience

Description of responsibilities
2002-2013 Numerous audit engagements related to grants (EIDHR/IPA EU funded projects with reports for factual findings): Team leader Determination and assessment that conditions laid down in the Grant Contracts and in the grants annexes have been adhered to including procurement
2002-2013 Audits for project financed by all major donors in Republic of Macedonia ( Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, UNHCR, SIDA) Team leader Assessment that the financial reports for the projects are fair in all material aspects and in compliance with sound financial management priciples including adequate internal controls
2005-2013 Audit of NAO/NF and implementing agencies for IPA funds (Central Financing and Contracting Department/Unit and IPARD Agencies) in Macedonia and Turkey Senior auditor Compliance Audit for the National Authorising Officer in order to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the institutions subject to the compliance assessment fulfil the accreditation criteria for all five IPA components
2012 Technical assistance for the IPA Training Facility in the frame of the IPA 2007 Regulation for Module 6 – Internal control and internal audit on EU funds and Module 7 – Verification process (beneficiary: Secretariat for European Affairs) Senior expert/TNA/Internal Audit on EU funds

- Carried out Training Needs Assessment (TNA);

- Preparation of training modules;

- Delivery of trainings in the areas of internal audit of EU funds and the verification process.

2002-2013 Publications related to finance, accounting and audit Author Last one is Manual on doing business in not-for-profit sector in Republic of Macedonia
2011 Capacity building / Training of the Secretariat for the Implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (SIOFA) Senior Consultant / Training

- Budgeting, accounting and financial reporting.

- Responsible for Training Needs Assessment;

- Carried out trainings in advanced budgeting, accounting and financial reporting.

2009 USAID- Municipal Financial Polices and IPSAS implementation Educator Provides training courses for financial policies.

Language skills: (1 – excellent; 5 - basic)

Macedonian 1 1 1
English 1 1 1
Regional languages (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian) 1 1 1